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Tuesday 12 June 2012Y
✰♡*•˛❤˛•*✰You Left Me Alone In the Rain✰♡*•˛❤˛•*✰

Well i thought today was just another old boring and tiring routine,
Yeah Of cause it was tuesday
like usual i would wake up in the morning just to get ready for school
once I'm ready...
I pack my bag and left in a car with my dad
the weather wasn't that bad though
I sorta like it..
all cloudy and the chill soft breeze of cold air :)
I like the small trip from my house to my school
easy going
once I arrived at school
first thing I would do is look for my friends.
as usual
I knew they would all be at the canteen eating breakfast
yeah~I catch a glance on this guy..
upper form six
he got the looks thoe :D..
once I met my friends
we talked a lot,after done with breakfast,we went upstairs we called it
'The Kayangan Block'
wanna know why we called it Kayangan?
because My class is saturated at the highest floor of the block of school
you can see a pretty good view from that class
like you can see all one k.k for up there
Lesson begin
first subject it was Bahasa Melayu I 
we talk about this 'Asal Usul Melayu'
like 'Bahasa Melayu Kuno','Bahasa Melayu Klasik' and 'Bahasa Melayu Moden'
It's been a while thoe since I begin to think clearly again :)
next class was MUET
as scariest as ever class...
it's not that I'm afraid of being in the english class not being able to speak english and all that..
what I don't  like being in the class subject is that you have to answer question that are quite complicated one
There was recess! :D
after recess
I got a class in Pengajian Perniagaan
one thing I like is that,this topic doesn't seem to be very difficult
Because I am able to digest everything that the lecturer had teaches us
Next class was Bahasa Melayu II
I admit that this class are pretty boring...
I almost fell asleep while the teacher is teaching
after school..
there it goes the RAIN
it was too heavy~u can't barely see the road if you trying to cross the road...
even myself got soaking wet after just spending 2 to 3 min running to find a place a shelter that i could stand against the rain
Oh yeah,me and friends plans a hangout to buy books and stationary for school
it was one a heck of fun
hanging out with friends sometimes
afterwards I was at this bus stop waiting for my dad to come and pick me up at school
yeah~I was trying to call in to my bf cells
but no answer,I called so many time though
it was raining by that time
well of cause my uniform was soaking wet 
trying to get reach to him still no answer..
and when finally my dad came to the rescue:D
on my way back home..
I fell asleep in my dad's car while he was driving..
finally i reach home
first thing I do is take a shower..
afterward I was in bed tucking myself in bed
because it was freezing  like in 0 temperature..
so finally he called
I was so mad but I just shut my mouth and
'okay lah 2',ooo~ and all that good stuff to say
but in the inside i was upset that he left me alone in the rain while I'm trying to contact him
if only you know
what else could i do :'(
I'm just a girl that no one going to ever understand me.

sweet ^o^ 07:43

Saturday 9 June 2012Y
~~::Rumahku bagaikan Sangkar Sengsara:: ~~

Hello Hello~ :D
malam ni nak post pasal life sy yg sgt sesgt boring,bosan,sume pown ade
yela~dah name pown PEREMPUAN,anak BONGSU pula 2
dah tentu kene control habehh
nak kuar hangout dgn member pown separuh mati
yela,asal sebut jak nak kuar jalan..sah2 kene cuci telinga
bukan nak kata ape,cuma ..2 arh dok terperuk dalam rumah
bosan tau! x mcm drg2 ni nak kuar bila2 masa boleh
yg sy ni,seminggu nak keluar sekali pun susah
keluar pagi balik lebih jew dr curfew jam 4
hah~ready je lah telinga 2 utk bernanah dgn ceramah 
pok pek pok pek..
pas 2 masuk bilik berkurung kat dalam mengadap lappy tersayang..
ataupun capai ph calling dgn abg tersyg mengadu kene marah :'(
bila dah puas meluah 2
kenelah ambik hati balik 
klu x ?..hoho~ xde lah belanja elaunku sebulan..
kekadang rasa mcm kene kurung je kat rumah 
sampai kulit ni yg dah sedia putih bertambah putih lagi
2 bkn ape lagi,ni lemak ni kat badan bertambah
mcm manalah nak jaga bdn bg slim
klu asyik dok rumah je x kuar lansung
ni lagi ni esok nak kuar shopping sikit bagi happy
tp rase cuak pula nak bg tau kat papa and my SCARY sis
huhu :'( wish me luck je lah kene approve kuar jalan sok
dah seminggu sy dok terperuk kat rumah ni 
dah naik muak tgk latar yg same je tiap2 hari
2 je lah untuk hari ni :D
semoga all gentlemen and gentlewomen XD
senyum senyum selalu :D,awet muda yg free punye.

thats my friend,they took a picture of me while skype-ing with them >.<''

sweet ^o^ 08:22